Summer recap: Pocket park, Six Strings concerts, Run Tosa Run donation

Pocket parkOne of the most visible developments in our neighborhood this summer has been the construction of a pocket park at the parking lot next to Rocket Baby Bakery, at 69th Street and North Avenue.The project is expected to be finished this fall, creating a unique gathering space at one of East Tosa's most prominent intersections. Wauwatosa Now has reported the design includes a shade structure, string lights, tables, benches and a bike rack.As part of this project, the vacant city lot behind Voline is being converted into parking spaces, so although we will lose the former parking lot, the project will end up with a net loss of only one space.We're looking forward to the opening of this fun new public venue, and we are sure it will be put to great use, from our Run Tosa Run in May to the Chili'n on the Avenue event in September.Six Strings on Center


Center Street Park continues to be a great gathering place for summers in Tosa East Towne, and this summer was particularly tuneful, with live music provided each month through the Six Strings on Center series. It was hosted by Friends of Center Street Park and spearheaded by resident Michael Phillips, who says, "the attendance has exceeded my expectations."Unfortunately, another popular Center Street Park event, Que & Brew, had a rocky second year. Organizers had to cancel this year's July 4 weekend cookoff, partly due to issues with insurance coverage, but we hope to see the lineup of BBQ chefs at the park next year.Run Tosa Run donation


Thanks to everyone who participated in this year's neighborhood-wide TETNA Rummage Sale, another benefit of being an association member. Although rain dampened turnout on June 3, we had 50 participating households and saw a good number of deal-seekers traveling from house to house during the day. Thanks to Jill Stephany for organizing this year.


Finally, we presented our $5,000 donation from Run Tosa Run to Ronald McDonald House Charities Eastern Wisconsin at the charity's Aug. 17 board meeting. Thanks again to all who made this year's race a success. We look forward to seeing you at the starting line of next year's Run Tosa Run, when the race date will be May 19.


Consider becoming a block watch captain in our neighborhood


TETNA budgets $500 for new neighborhood event, seeks ideas and organizer