Volunteer on the TETNA Board this year!

Please consider playing an active role in TETNA this year. The time commitment for any of these positions is only about one to two hours a month and attending one two-hour TETNA meeting ten times a year. The following is a description of the duties of each position:President: Presides over all meetings, creates agendas for each meeting and exercises general supervision of the affairs of TETNA.Vice-president: Assists the President in duties and discharges the duties of the President if need be.Treasurer: Responsible for custody of TETNA funds, reports the financial transactions and standing at each monthly meeting.Secretary: Keeps minutes of meetings and other records related to TETNA.Board of Directors: Five positions to be filled. Board members vote on decisions brought before the association meetings, attend association meetings and serve as a chairperson for an event or administrative duty.Those interested in filling any of these positions should contact Sarah Hunt-Frank by March 1. All candidates must be TETNA members and be present at the Annual Meeting. For those who did not become a member during the annual Membership Drive in October, download and fill out the 2009/10 Membership form.


2010 Annual Meeting


Sierra Club's Great Waters Group Educational Program