TETNA budgets $500 for new neighborhood event, seeks ideas and organizer

Tosa East Towne Neighborhood Association is all about highlighting the best that our East Tosa neighborhood has to offer, so it's no surprise that some of the association's most fulfilling work is the events we host, from the Egg Hunt, Run Tosa Run and Rummage Sale in the spring to Trick or Treat and Taste of East Tosa in the fall.This year, your TETNA board has been sizing up our calendar of events and identifying successes to emphasize, as well as events that may no longer be worth bringing back. And we've been discussing ideas for new events to offer to the neighborhood.The annual Egg Hunt, for example, has grown steadily in recent years, and we're looking for a new coordinator to take that event over in 2018. (Email info@tosaeasttowne.org if you or someone you know is interested.) Our Neighborhood Block Party/Movie Night, on the other hand, has seen turnout diminish. We've decided to end that event while supporting the several other great events being hosted at the park by Friends of Center Street Park.But we don't want to reduce our lineup without trying to replace old events with new ideas that have potential to become annual favorites. That's where you come in.The TETNA board approved up to $500 in this year's budget as seed money to create a new event, and we want your ideas and – just as important – your time and enthusiasm. Have you ever thought, "What this neighborhood really needs is an event like _________"? Let us hear about it. Pitch your idea to the board by emailing a concise paragraph or two to info@tosaeasttowne.org. Events preferably have a revenue stream to help offset the cost, but certain worthy events without revenue streams still may be considered if TETNA deems them beneficial to our members.And if you have a great idea to pitch, we hope you are willing to help make your idea a reality. All of TETNA's events are made possible by volunteers, meaning great neighbors like you.At our February meeting, we conducted a brainstorming session to generate some potential ideas. If any of these interest you, let us know, or pitch your own idea:

  • Snow sculpture or snowman contest
  • A "Winterfest"-style event
  • TETNA roller-skating at Pius
  • TETNA movie night at Rosebud Cinema
  • Basketball tournament at Roosevelt
  • Kickball at Center Street Park
  • Outdoor live music
  • Cribbage nights and a neighborhood cribbage team
  • Casino night
  • Theater in the park
  • North Avenue bar crawl
  • Events to welcome new neighbors

David Paulsen is president of the Tosa East Towne Neighborhood Association board. He can be reached at dmpaulsen@gmail.com. 


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Shop the 2017 TENTA Rummage Sale June 3rd