TETNA plans socially distanced Halloween festivities in lieu of neighborhood Trick-or-Treat

A message from TETNA’s board president:

Fellow Tosa East Towne neighbors, like many of you, I’ve had doubt in the back of mind since spring whether we would be able to gather like we have in years past for our annual TETNA Nighttime Trick-or-Treat, with the ongoing coronavirus pandemic continuing to pose risks to public health. Your Tosa East Towne Neighborhood Association board chose earlier this year to cancel the Spring Egg Hunt, Run Tosa Run and the Neighborhood Rummage Sale because we deemed those risks too high. On Sept. 14, the board met again, this time to decide the fate of Halloween in the neighborhood.

The good news is that Halloween will still be celebrated! We are working hard to plan a full slate of socially distanced festivities, from costume contests to another photo scavenger hunt around the neighborhood. The board, however, made the tough decision to cancel this year’s official Nighttime Trick-or-Treat. It was not lost on the board that we were meeting a day after Wisconsin had set a state record of 1,582 new COVID-19 cases. The board reached the conclusion that cancelation, though it may be a disappointment, was the prudent move, given the continued uncertainty about the pandemic’s trajectory and the potential for the virus to be spread rapidly during such a popular, hands-on event like Trick-or-Treat.

Over the summer, we were heartened to see so many residents having fun participating in our first TETNA Summer Scavenger Hunt, and we plan to launch a new Halloween-themed scavenger hunt next month. And after last year’s popular house decorating contest, we are working on a new contest so you can show off your cool costumes and potentially win prizes. We also will be looking for your great pumpkin-carving designs and are developing plans for showcasing some of the best creations. If you have any additional suggestions for expanding this year’s Halloween festivities, let us know by sending us a message at info@tosaeasttowne.org.

Thanks to all of you for helping to make this such a vibrant, fun and welcoming neighborhood. We appreciate your patience as the TETNA board navigates these unprecedented times, and we will continue to provide safe, family activities to residents throughout the pandemic and when it is finally over.

Stay safe,

David Paulsen


Last call for Tosa Diaper Drive


TETNA cancels this year’s Neighborhood Rummage Sale