Reminder: Cookie Exchange on Monday

Monday, December 14th • 7-9 pmThe Lutheran Home, 7500 W. North Ave.

Bring 6 dozen of the same home-made cookies, and an empty container for collecting your new variety of cookies.Want more?  Bring more.  Each year we have a few folks who make 2 or 3 cookies recipes – bringing 6 dozen of each recipe.  They, of course, take home just as many cookies as they bring.  Works great if you’re giving cookies as gifts.Broken Cookies?  Bring them, and any extras, for taste-testing.DO RSVP to Dawn at 727-2873. Let us know what kind of cookies you are bringing. We’re hoping to avoid duplicates. If you leave a message and want a call back, DO leave your phone number.


January Enact Meeting Tonight


6th Annual Cookie Exchange