May President's Letter

Hunt-FrankAh, Spring! That wonderful time of year when the plants awaken, the birds return and the people crawl out of the winter-cramped indoors! Yawn. Stretch. Shake off the winter.Try something new. I am going to try my hand at square-foot gardening, a space-saving gardening technique that could work wonders in our tiny East Tosa yards.I have some new tips for your summer fun. Among them that Hoyt Pool is opening this Memorial weekend! Family Passes can be purchased by googling Friends Of Hoyt Pool. I’ve got mine! Now I just need a swimsuit that makes me look like Angelina Jolie...Here’s a new idea I saw last summer in Michigan. Clear bags of water hung to keep bees and flies away from your picnic area. I guess the light-bending effect of the bulging plastic confuses their compound eyes. I don’t know. Try it and let me know how it works for you!Summer time reminds me of my Grandma who used to walk around the yard in the early morning looking at the posies, admiring the growth, looking for which one would bloom next. She would say she had been out “surveying the estate.” (She also called having lemonade on the patio “refreshments on the veranda”!) I am SO looking forward to my garden and my flowers this year.You may see me wandering around my house and wonder “what is that crazy lady doing?” Now you know, (Ahem) I am surveying the estate!See you in my front yard, and feel free to join me—surveying the estate!Sarah Hunt-Frank, TETNA President


May Newsletter


Important North Avenue Planning Meetings