Avery Pankratz awarded this year's $500 TETNA scholarship

Tosa East senior Avery Pankratz (left) receives the annual $500 TETNA scholarship from association president Christina Piel at the annual meeting, held Thursday at Cranky Al's.We're pleased to announce that our recipient of this year's Tosa East Towne Neighborhood Association scholarship is Avery Pankratz. She received the $500 scholarship Thursday night at TETNA's annual meeting at Cranky Al's.Avery has been very active at Tosa East, serving as editor in chief of the school yearbook; as a Link leader on the Link Crew, which helps new freshmen adjust to high school; as a peer mentor for Above and Beyond; and as a member of the Tosa East Players, among other activities.She also has a notable record of community service, working with homeless families at The Gathering and underprivileged children at the Christmas is for Kids event.The youth group director of Avery's church describes her as "one of the kindest, smartest, generous, confident, hard-working young adults" she's ever had the privilege to work with. Through her activities and genuine care for others, Avery has shown that she embodies the philosophy of our neighborhood association.Next year she will attend Loyola University in Chicago, where she will study in the Interdisciplinary Honors Program."We know she will make our neighborhood proud," scholarship committee chairwoman Nicole Etter said.


June 4 is TETNA's neighborhood Rummage Sale, sponsored by Beth Jaworski


Annual Meeting