7th Annual Cookie Exchange

Monday, December 12 • 6:00PMNEW LOCATION: 2334 N. 64th StreetDON'T FORGET TO BRING: 8 dozen cookies of one recipe and containers to bring more home!

It's satisfyingly good to GIVE and RECEIVE!

Giving and receiving cookies at the holidays is a tradition—we love little green and red spritz cookies with sprinkles or peanut butter cookies with a great big Hershey’s Kiss in the middle. Yes—we love cookies. So, join in the 7th Annual East Towne Cookie Exchange and your one big batch of cookies will become a fantastic variety of cookies to share and enjoy.Here’s what you do:

  1. Pick your favorite cookie recipe.
  2. Register by December 10th. Call or Email Dawn Zehren 727-2873 or [mailto]DZehren@Shorewest.com[/mailto].
  3. Make eight dozen cookies and bring them to the exchange. Do NOT separate or package cookies in bunches. DO bring a large container to take your mix of cookies home in. (Extra or broken cookies? Bring them to the exchange for nibbling.)

Here’s what you get:

  1. A wonderful assortment of cookies – with the simple effort of one recipe.
  2. A few hours off to really enjoy the giving spirit of the holiday season. Sip cider and nibble cookies while sharing laughter and stories with your neighbors.
  3. Bonus Option – Plan to give lots of cookies as gifts? Need more than just eight dozen? Easy answer. Make two, or three different recipes of cookies, a batch of eight dozen each. Bring 12 dozen, take 12 dozen. Bring 18 dozen, take 18 dozen. You choose. Just tell Dawn when you register.

January Association Meeting


November Association Meeting