TETNA Events

Rummage Sale

Neighborhood Rummage Sale

Saturday, June 7, 2025
8am - 3pm


The TETNA neighborhood rummage sale is an annual event held the first Saturday of June. Dozens of homes have participated in previous years, making this one of the largest rummage sales in the area! All participating rummage sales are included in our interactive map (coming soon), so shoppers can see where to go and what to expect at each sale.

Listing is free for all TETNA members, and non-members can pay $5 to be included.

Sale hours are 8am to 3pm, though residents will be free to open their sales earlier or close them later.

The event is generously sponsored by Beth Jaworski of Shorewest Realtors.

Registered Rummage Sale Locations

Map coming soon.


Available to any households within the Tosa East Towne neighborhood. Registration is free for TETNA members. $5 for non-members.
Kindly register by June 5th, 2025.

Want to register, but not a TETNA member? Please send $5 via PayPal.
Or, drop off a check at 2461 N 63rd Street.
(Checks can be made payable to TETNA.)