TETNA Board Meeting
Monday, May 12 • 7 PMLutheran Home
Board meetings are open to everyone in the Tosa East Towne neighborhood. Please feel free to attend. Upcoming meetings for 2008 are currently scheduled for: May 12, June 9, August 11, October 13 and November 10. We gather at 7 p.m. at the Lutheran Home, 7500 W. North Ave.TETNA Agenda
- Approval of minutes
- Treasurers Report - Barbara Blaney
- EventsTGIF - Tiger BeyerRummage Sale - Heidi Hudson-MairetFamily Fun Day - Katherine LazarskiBlood Drive - Kathleen FlandersHalloween - Jenny Farr, Wendy SwensonMovie Night, Free Outdoor Movies at Center Park - Chris LazarskiCenter Park Report - Randy HoytHoliday Cookie Exchange -- Dawn Zehren
- Business report - Meg Miller
- Stroll the Avenue - Mary Van Derven
- Newsletter - Julie Terwelp
- Website -- Gary Dalton, Julie Terwelp
- DonationsJudie Nutter - Tosa for KidsSt. Bernard's - Tosa Food Pantry
- Scholarship Fund
- Schedule next meeting