November Board Meeting

Monday, November 10 • 7 PMLutheran Home

Board meetings are open to everyone in the Tosa East Towne neighborhood. Please feel free to attend. Upcoming meetings for 2009 will be scheduled at tonight's meeting. We gather at 7 p.m. at the Lutheran Home, 7500 W. North Ave.TETNA Agenda

  1. Approval of minutes
  2. Membership Chair
  3. Treasurers Report – Barbara Blaney
  4. Trick or Treat Results
  5. Plan 2009 Schedule
  6. Events
    • TGIT, November 6, and next – Tiger Beyer
    • Holiday Cookie Exchange – Dawn Zehren
    • Spring Egg Hunt --
  7. Business report - Meg Miller
  8. NAC Report - Tiger?
  9. North Avenue clean-up – Bobby Pantuso
  10. Scholarship Fund – Barb Blaney
  11. Schedule next meeting

Officer Paul Leist Named Crime Prevention Practitioner of the Year


November TGIT