Fall Fest - Center Street Park
Saturday, October 18
3 - 7 pmCenter Street Park
The Friends of Center Street Park is hosting a Fall Fest! Come to Center Street Park for a fun day of activities!We will have stations for carving/painting pumpkins, bowling with pumpkins and chucking corn cobs! There will also be face painting, tattoos and a scavenger hunt.Items for sale include pumpkins ($3 or 2 for $5), caramel apples, hot cider, donuts and more!Pumpkins and concessions have minimal cost but the games are all free!We need volunteers to help make this event a success! Sign up to help on Volunteer Spot.This event is family-friendly and full of fun! Hope to see you there!The Friends of Center Street Park is a community organization whose mission it is to improve upon the beauty and safety of the park through the use of public and private contributions so that the park is a gathering place for members of the community to enjoy. Learn more on the Friends of Center Street Park web site.