East Towne Flood Damage Database

To help get a better idea of the magnitude of the recent floods, Tosa East Towne Neighborhood Association's communications chair is compiling a database to present to the city. If you are interested in including your information, please contact Julie Terwelp and she will email you a link to the database form.Note: This form is a Google Docs application; you may need a Google account to access. If you don't want to do this, just send Julie Terwelp the following information and she will add it to the spreadsheet:First and Last Name*Street Address*PhoneEmailList Flood Damage EstimateAny Comments*required informationIf you were not impacted by the flood, but know neighbors who were, please pass this information along.For questions, contact Julie Terwelp.


East Towne Flood Damage: 211 Resource for FEMA


Bethany-Calvary's Second Annual Neighborhood Share Fair