5th Annual Cookie Exchange

December 15 • 7:00PM • Lutheran Home

It’s the Most Yummiest Time of the Year!Chocolate Crinkles, Old-Fashion Refrigerator Box Cookies, Ribbon Slices, Almond Spritz, Poppy Seed Slice Cookies, Mint Melt-Aways, Thumbprints with Jam, Peanut Butter Cookies with Hershey Kisses …Yummmmmmm!!! These are just a few of the scrumptious cookies we’ve shared at past TETNA Holiday Cookie Exchanges.On Monday, December 15th, we’ll gather at 7 p.m. at the Lutheran Home for our 5th Annual Cookie Exchange. 
If you’ve joined us in the past–I know you’re marking this on your calendar. If you haven’t–get out a pen & circle 
the date! You won’t want to miss the fun & the treats.Here’s what you do:

  1. Pick your favorite cookie recipe.
  2. Register by December 13th. Call Dawn Zehren at 414/727-2873 or email her using the form below.
  3. Make six dozen cookies (often a double batch) and bring them to the exchange. Do NOT separate or package cookies in bunches. DO bring a large container to take your mix of cookies home in.
(Extra or broken cookies? Bring them to the exchange for nibbling.)

Here’s what you get:

  1. A wonderful assortment of cookies – with the simple effort of one recipe.
  2. A few hours off to really enjoy the giving spirit of the holiday season. Sip cider and nibble cookies while sharing laughter & stories with your neighbors. Kids are welcome too.
  3. Bonus Option—Want to give assortments of homemade cookies as gifts during the holidays? Need more than just 6 dozen? Easy answer. Make two, or three different recipes of cookies, a batch of 6 dozen each. Bring 12 dozen, take 12 dozen. Bring 18 dozen, take 18 dozen. You choose. Just tell Dawn when you register.

PS—Do you have a friend or family member who loves cookies but doesn’t live in the neighborhood? Invite them to join us. Everyone is welcome.


Association Meetings Scheduled for 2009


Officer Paul Leist Named Crime Prevention Practitioner of the Year