June 2nd is TETNA's 2018 neighborhood Rummage Sale, sponsored by Beth Jaworski
Saturday, June 2rd, 20188:00 am - 3:00 pmEntire TETNA neighborhood
Our neighborhood-wide rummage sale for 2018 is the first Saturday in June, which is again sponsored this year by Beth Jaworski of Shorewest Realtors. We hope to see many of you buying and selling at this event!,
To register your rummage sale with the TETNA sale, you can fill out the form below or register by mail.The registration deadline is May 31st. Registration is open only to those living within the TETNA area (map).Participating in the rummage is free for TETNA members, and $5 for non-members.When you register for the TETNA rummage sale:
- Your sale information will be included in the overall map and listing associated with the Tosa East Towne Neighborhood Association annual rummage sale.
- TETNA will publish a map and rummage sale list that will be available online to shoppers as an interactive map and as a printable .PDF file until the end of the sale.
- TETNA will place signs on the perimeter of the neighborhood and publicize the neighborhood sale in local media.
You can call attention to your sale with any signage or banners you want to, knowing that shoppers will be looking for your sale!How to Throw A Killer Yard Sale contains great tips on making your sale a success. If you’re interested in helping with the rummage sale in any capacity, or if you have questions, please email Jill McClellan: jillstephany@hotmail.com with the subject rummage.