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Arctic Adventure: Final Week

3/18 - Challenge WEEK #5: Spring into Action!

The temperatures have been a bit fickle lately, but it is officially time to bid a final farewell to Winter.  TETNA neighbors will wake up to Spring on Saturday!  This year, the Spring Equinox officially begins on March 20th at 4:37 A.M. Central Time.  

So for this final challenge, get busy celebrating the signs of spring all around us and by creating some springtime fun of your own!

Snap a picture, send it in, and show us how you are putting a little spring in your step this week.  However this new season moves you, enjoy Springing into Action…

  • Any final remnants of winter you want to memorialize?

  • Any words of wisdom to share after a long winter?

  • What and where are your first Spring outings?

  • What leaves and buds are popping up in your yard?

  • Any early flowers decorating your lawns and gardens?

  • Have you developed a case of Spring-Cleaning Fever?

  • Are the Spring breezes blowing kites and bubbles around at your house?

  • Are you getting a jump on all that yard work?

  • Have you pulled out the shorts and tshirts yet?

  • Is your grill fired up for that first spring cookout?

  • Will you have your first outdoor ice cream anytime soon?

  • Any Spring arts, crafts, or decorations you’d like us to admire?

  • Have you written a new Ode to Spring?  Or maybe just a spring Haiku!?

Thanks to everyone for taking part in your own TETNA Arctic Adventures as we’ve counted down the last weeks of winter together.  Welcome to Spring everyone!  Can’t wait to see you out and about in the neighborhood!

How to answer the challenges:

  • Participate in whichever challenges interest you and submit as many picture responses as you’d like to help build our Arctic Adventure Gallery!

  • Send your photos to or tag @TosaEastTowne on Facebook.

  • We'll post your photos here and share highlights in our newsletter.

  • The challenges will be cumulative. Every week a new challenge will be added but past challenges will still remain. Feel free to revisit any challenge you may have missed – your pictures and responses are always welcome!

March 11

Arctic Adventure: Week 4

April 14

TETNA Annual Meeting